Friday, May 6, 2011

Glenda Grows Up

It's not easy being a grownup, at least, not when it's supposedly the ONLY option left in my life.  I never used to be envious of other people with their busy agendas and places to be missed when they become no-shows. Nobody cares if I am there or not...well, JudeDog would miss me, and The Boog would definitely be wondering what happened to his meal ticket.  Even Louie would come to grips with my absence if he ran out of underwear and wondered how to get clean ones without buying new.

I just want to be mature and equitable about the time I'm wasting, knowing that there is no redux here.  Specifically, HOW does one make each day count without some sort of map of days? I'll just say that if I can be missed by my absence EVERY day, then I MUST be doing something right. I'm not saying THAT I AM, but it would be a nice rule of thumb to follow. I'm tired of trying to be clever; some days I simply feel like a loser, and I DON'T WANT TO TRY ANYMORE. Is that o.k.? Not to want to try...does that qualify as depression or just the ravings of a blubbering weinee? Reinforcement--that's the key! Be available to say, "You did a good job" even if you're looking in the mirror when you hear yourself say it.

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